Hit the loo after sex!

Passion’s thrill, bladder’s chill

Even if he's holding your arm and you just want to fall asleep with him afterwards ...

... pull yourself together, crawl out of bed, and make a quick trip to the toilet. You won’t regret it.

Are you currently dealing with an acute urinary tract infection? Then sex is off-limits for now. Any irritation in the intimate area usually worsens your symptoms.

On the flip side, although unlikely, there is also a theoretical risk that during sex, your partner might contract the pathogens as well.

So: Even if your head tells you that "just a little bit of sex" sounds like a good idea, your lower body doesn’t want any friction or intruders – not even silicone ones 😉.

Bladder infection: after sex, get out of bed and empty your bladder

Risk Factor: Sex

Sexual intercourse increases the risk of a urinary tract infection. Recurrent bladder infections are particularly linked to sexual activity.

Sexual activity, frequent partner changes, or certain practices (e.g. switching directly from anal to vaginal sex) promote repeated urinary tract infections.

Most often, your own intestinal bacteria, which inhabit the area around the perineum, are mechanically transferred during sex into the bladder. They are essentially "pushed" through the urethra.

My Secret Tip

Empty your bladder ideally immediately, but at the latest 5 minutes after intercourse. This flushes out any bacteria and reduces the risk of honeymoon cystitis.

I know – it’s so simple and yet so difficult. But from personal experience, I can recommend not forgetting this step. And when I was too lazy, it often came back to bite me the next day.

The good thing about it – it doesn’t require any medication or special measures, just a toilet and some pee in the bladder :-)

For more about sex and bladder health, you can read in the article Sexiquette.