Cystitis Tips
Acute, Prevention, Maintenance
Do you suffer from recurring cystitis?
Here, you'll find all the free tips that have helped me and many other sufferers break free from the vicious circle of cystitis.
How to Beat that UTI
- You are not alone!
- What's happening to me?
- What can I do?

Causes of Cystitis
Why Me?
Do you sometimes wonder why this painful nightmare of everyday life is so rarely discussed? Or do you feel similarly abandoned because your catastrophic problems are dismissed as a "women's illness"?
I used to believe for a long time that I was alone in this. It seemed like no other girl endured such severe agony as I did regularly. It even got to the point where I felt ashamed because I thought I was not "normal".
Moreover, cystitis consistently disrupted my plans and outings, which was very frustrating. Enough about me - If you want to read more about my long history of suffering, just visit my blog and read my very personal experience report.

Symptoms of Cystitis
Where Does This Affliction Come From?
You probably already know why ladies easily catch such an annoying infection and why it leads to such painful symptoms. But if you are new to this field and don't have a clear picture yet, you might want to read more about it on my blog.
In brief: A so-called uncomplicated cystitis (bladder infection, urinary tract infection) is usually an infection of the lower urinary tract caused by bacteria. Typically, intestinal bacteria from outside enter the bladder through the (very short) urethra in women and cause a painful inflammation of the bladder wall with the following symptoms:

Treatment of Cystitis
Cheer Up!
Let's address you and your individual situation. To better respond to your current issues, it is very helpful to know how often you have been troubled by cystitis.
Be cautious with symptoms such as:
- Fever > 38 °C
- Blood in Urine
- Flank / Kidney Pain
With these symptoms, the infection might have spread to the kidneys – the consequence could be a Kidney Infection (Pyelonephritis) , which always requires medical attention.

My First Cystitis
Then you have no reason to worry initially. Has it already subsided, or are you in the midst of an acute urinary tract infection? If you are currently suffering from an acute bladder infection, please check out my tips for the acute phase.
If it has passed and your infection was treated with antibiotics, then you can do something good for your gut flora and strengthen your microbiome with probiotics. Otherwise, I can only advise you to:
- Put the cystitis behind you - just forget about it
- Following the motto - Once won't do any harm!
- Close this browser window 🙂
If the urinary tract infection recurs, just come back to my website and get all the tips you need.

Occasional Bladder Infections
Even though "occasional" is somehow bearable, you can still do something to ensure that the urinary tract infection returns much less frequently. Just take a look at my Tips for the Maintenance Phase and possibly my Tips for the Acute Phase. At the same time, I recommend answering the following questions:
- Did I have sexual intercourse 1-2 days before my bladder infection?
- Was I exposed to more cold than usual (especially feet, bottom, lower back)?
- Did I visit a spa or swimming lake 1-2 days before?
- Did I forget to drink enough?
- Am I pregnant? - If so, please consult a doctor immediately.
- Am I going through menopause?
- Do I use hormonal contraception, especially a hormonal IUD?
- Do I use chemical contraceptives applied in the vagina?
These questions are meant to help you understand the possible connections with your bladder infections. Often, a particular event is the trigger, so to speak, your "weak spot".
Why am I pointing this out? Because there are countless remedies in the fight against bladder infections, and I am definitely not a fan of having to take more and more medication. Once you understand how your bladder reacts, you can target your battle more effectively – and that should be the long-term goal.

Recurring Bladder Infections
Alright – so you’re experiencing something similar to what I went through years ago. I can empathise with you deeply, and I know exactly what you’re going through. During my worst period, I had a urinary tract infection every 4 weeks. Since I began to discipline myself in all three phases (Acute, Prevention, Maintenance), I have largely been spared. My last antibiotic was needed in 2016 during a business trip where, unfortunately, the conditions were not ideal to cure the infection myself.
Over time, you will also develop a sixth sense for when a cystitis is on the way. Then you can strike back before it settles in your bladder. But don’t worry too much and turn off the thought wheel in your head – even with recurring bladder infections, there is usually a way out of the drama.
It definitely doesn’t help if you sink into self-pity (even though I can fully understand this from my own experience).
A step-by-step, study-supported, and personally tested approach is now on your agenda.
Strategy + Consistent Action = Your Victory
Initially, you need to consider the same questions and tips as for the occasional sufferers. On top of that, you will need to pull out all the stops and best take all the tips (Acute - Prevention - Maintenance) to heart.
- What can I do if it hits me acutely?
- How do I prevent it from returning immediately?
- How do I maintain a happy bladder long-term?
"I wish I had found this website years ago! What I often find online is either marketing pushing a particular product or simply incomplete information that only looks at bladder infections from one specific perspective. What Goodbye UTI aims to be instead is:A free guide that, based on
addresses all aspects of bladder infections clearly and concisely, and hopefully can offer help to almost anyone affected in some way."
- thorough research
- tested personal experiences
- the experiences of thousands of fellow sufferers