Healthy Vaginal Flora
Pussy happy, bladder happy!
The pathogens causing your bladder infection often travel from the anal area to the vaginal environment (e.g. through sexual intercourse) before ascending through the urethra to your bladder. Sometimes, the so-called uropathogens persist in the vagina, leading to recurring UTIs. If, for instance, the germ Gardnerella vaginalis moves from the vagina to the bladder, it attacks the top layer of the bladder wall and releases embedded bacteria. And voilà – the painful cystitis strikes again.
In a healthy vaginal flora, the acidic environment (pH value between 3.8 and 4.4) produced by lactobacilli (lactic acid bacteria) prevents harmful pathogens from surviving. This is why maintaining the proper balance in your vagina is essential, rather than waiting until itching or burning (bacterial vaginosis) occurs. Your vaginal flora can become unbalanced for various reasons: stress, a weakened immune system, medications like antibiotics, excessive intimate hygiene, frequent sex, or hormonal changes (hormonal contraceptives, pregnancy, menopause).
There is a scientifically proven connection between a decrease in lactobacilli in the vagina and an increased risk of bladder infections. Supplementing with probiotic strains can promote urinary tract health by acting as a shield to prevent the colonisation of harmful pathogens.
Check your vaginal pH level!
You can check the health of your intimate area using pH test strips, such as ELANEE® Vaginal pH Self-Test*. If the pH level is not acidic enough, you can help restore it using lactic acid or Vitamin C*. Vagi C®* uses ascorbic acid, while other products use lactic acid for acidification (e.g. Vagisan Lactic Acid Vaginal Suppositories*, LACTOFEM® Lactic Acid Treatment*, Gynofit® Lactic Acid Gel*).
If your vaginal flora is permanently disrupted (e.g. after taking antibiotics or an anti-fungal treatment), it is recommended to restore it with lactic acid bacteria, such as Gynophilus® Vaginal Capsules*.
Tips for Use
For maintenance therapy or preventative use in certain situations (visiting a swimming pool, stress, frequent sex), I recommend this product: Gynophilus® Vaginal Capsules*. They do not need to be stored in the fridge, making them easy to use (even when travelling).
I used vaginal capsules with lactobacilli repeatedly as a 14-day course, inserting them in the evening before going to bed. Why before bedtime? The lying position is ideal - this way, nothing leaks out immediately.
Sounds logical, but it’s worth mentioning: Always insert vaginal capsules or creams with clean, washed hands. You definitely don’t want additional germs from your hands to be transferred to the vaginal area.
Oral probiotics: Not a fan of intravaginal applications? Or do you not tolerate vaginal use of lactobacilli?
Then an option for oral intake is also available, such as
OMNi-BiOTiC® FLORA plus+*.
The package leaflet states: The lactic acid bacteria it contains survive passage through the stomach and intestines and reach their intended destination in the human body very quickly.
Although the leaflet confirms the effectiveness of oral probiotics for vaginal flora, there are some critical voices about this online.
My tip: Prefer vaginal capsules with lactic acid bacteria!
Kill Two Birds with One Stone
If you already enjoy using lubricant during sex, I have fantastic news for you: Multi-Gyn® ActiGel* is a product that naturally protects your vaginal flora against bacteria and yeast while doubling as a lubricant. Multi-Gyn products not only alleviate intimate discomfort but also optimise your vaginal flora. Its key ingredient, extracted from Aloe Barbadensis leaves, reduces harmful bacteria by preventing them from reaching tissue and causing infections.
Lack of moisture during sex causes small injuries in your vagina, disrupting the vaginal balance. This balance is crucial in combating bladder infections. Therefore: Treat yourself to this beneficial lubricant to ensure everything glides smoothly and keeps your intimate area happy.
If your bladder infections often occur after sex, it’s recommended to use a vaginal suppository after sex (with lactic acid or Vitamin C*) to quickly restore your vaginal pH balance.
Beware: Lubricants aren’t all the same. Some ingredients in certain lubricants can be harmful to your vaginal flora.
Good to know: Multi-Gyn is your top choice if you do not tolerate products with lactic acid or lactobacilli well.